Big League Dad

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Arizona Sports

Big League Dads – How do we handle bullies?

The issue of bullying is becoming more and more prevalent in today's society and we as Big League Dads face the tough role of guiding our kids through these tricky to navigate situations. This month, Travis Brown offers advice on how you can give your kids confidence to overcome a bully.
7 years ago
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Arizona Sports

Big League Dad Huddle gives dads glimpse of Cardinals, life lessons

Last month a group of fathers and sons had a weekday afternoon unlike any other. Hearing life lessons and watching a Super Bowl contender practice, the Big League Dad Huddle provided a unique experience.
7 years ago
Amy Rothermel, FamilyShare

Can parents actually prevent their children from using drugs?

Once your child gets to be a certain age, he or she will likely be exposed to drugs.
9 years ago
Megan Shauri, FamilyShare

12 things you should know about becoming a parent

Are you thinking about becoming a parent? Here are 12 things you should know beforehand.
9 years ago
Megan Shauri, FamilyShare

6 crazy things that men do that make their women pull their hair out

No man is perfect, but there are things they do that make you even crazier than others. Here are 6 things men do that make women want to pull their hair out.
9 years ago
Cathy Lim, FamilyShare

10 nice things you can say to your spouse daily

When you include uplifting comments in your interaction with your spouse, your routine will feel a little less ordinary and a little more extraordinary. Here are just 10 nice things to say to the man or woman with whom you share your life.
9 years ago
Erin Stewart, Deseret News

To all the superhero dads on Father’s Day

Every child needs more magic and heroism in this world. They need dads who know that success at home isn’t a byproduct of life; it is life.
9 years ago
Hannah Chudleigh, FamilyShare

3 reasons grounding your kids is destroying their lives

These consequences destroyed my childhood happiness.
9 years ago
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Arizona Sports

Introducing Arizona Sports’ Big League Dad

Thank you for signing up to be a Big League Dad! Our mission is to educate and inspire Arizona fathers to take a more positive and active role in the lives of their families.
9 years ago
Jonathan Emmen, FamilyShare

5 valuable life lessons every dad must teach his son

Here are a few priceless lessons your son can't afford to miss.
9 years ago
Georgia Lee, FamilyShare

7 simple compliments women actually love to hear

Compliments may seem easy to give but there are major ways to mess them up. Luckily, there are 7 surefire standard compliments that are safe, flattering and responsible.
9 years ago
Laura Callisen, FamilyShare

5 things to help your children be more motivated

Children begin dreaming relatively early in life, and their dreams are boundless and can be colossal. To keep them excited about their ideas and goals, here are some ways to motivate your children.
9 years ago
Denhi Chaney, FamilyShare

4 things your wife needs to feel from you

If you want to make your wife happy but don't know how, read on.
9 years ago
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Arizona Sports

Big League Dad: Shane Doan remembers his mom, praises his wife

Arizona Coyotes captain Shane Doan is appreciative of what his mother did for him and of what his wife does for their four kids.
9 years ago
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Arizona Sports

Big League Dad: Earl Watson shares thoughts on his mother

Phoenix Suns coach Earl Watson shares thoughts on his mother as part of Arizona Sports' Big League Dad series.
9 years ago
Wendy Jessen, FamilyShare

Want healthy kids? Send them outside

Sometimes, a dose of healthy outdoor activities may be just what the doctor ordered.
9 years ago
Melinda Fox, FamilyShare

20 things to ask your kids instead of “How was school today?”

Are you tired of hearing "Fine"? Try asking your kids these questions.
9 years ago
Gary and Joy Lundberg, FamilyShare

7 things parents can do to keep a thumb on their kids without squashing them

Parents need to stay vigilant in helping their kids be safe and make good choices in a world that is filled with dangers. Here are some helpful suggestions for doing it without smothering them.
9 years ago