Kyler Murray unites with fan he inspired during boy’s cancer treatment

Nov 25, 2022, 8:30 AM

(Arizona Cardinals photo)...

(Arizona Cardinals photo)

(Arizona Cardinals photo)

Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kyler Murray has inspired many with his play on the field since high school, but his leadership is what stood out off the field Monday night in Mexico City.

Back in 2020, 12-year-old Hector Nahle Jr. of Torreon, Mexico, was heading into surgery wearing his favorite player’s jersey: a red No. 1 Murray jersey. Nahle said in a video that the Cardinals’ quarterback was an inspiration to him and that he aspired to one day meet Murray.

Fast forward two years, and the Cardinals were squaring off with the San Francisco 49ers in Mexico City, just over an hour flight from Nahle’s hometown.

Despite not suiting up for the game, Murray flew Nahle, his parents and sister to Mexico City.

Nahle finally got to meet not only his inspiration who helped him threw surgery and cancer treatment, but the quarterback he inspires to be exactly like on the field, as well.

“That was the best part of my experience out there was getting to meet him and his family,” Murray told reporters Wednesday.

“It was super genuine, you can’t make it up. I told him he has a brother in me, we are family now. He hasn’t stopped messaging me since we met. I had a blast to be able to meet him. Grateful, grateful for sure.”

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