Fake Twitter account sends random family into D-backs’ broadcast booth
May 31, 2019, 3:41 PM | Updated: Jun 3, 2019, 1:00 pm

(Photo courtesy of Fox Sports Arizona)
(Photo courtesy of Fox Sports Arizona)
An awkward moment arose during Thursday’s Arizona Diamondbacks game against the Colorado Rockies at Coors Field.
A random family showed up inside the Arizona broadcast booth after being told they can visit D-backs broadcaster Steve Berthiaume.
However, it wasn’t Berthiaume who said they could come up to the booth. In fact, he doesn’t even use Twitter. It was somebody else pretending to be him.
The user’s Twitter account has since been suspended.
Nonetheless, it didn’t stop Michael Ravare from asking if he and his family could visit the booth.
But when the family arrived, nobody in the booth knew why the family was there.
This led to an awkward three minutes of the family lurking in the background while Berthiaume, former D-backs manager Bob Brenly and Fox Sports Arizona reporter Todd Walsh talked about pitcher Taylor Clarke’s first career home run ball.
After a few minutes, there was some explanation from Ravare on why they were in the booth, which led Berthiaume to explain that he didn’t use Twitter anymore.
The parody Berthiaume account didn’t apologize for causing Ravare to go up to the booth but he did explain why he replied to him.
Even though the family was hoping for a less awkward and intrusive meeting of their favorite broadcasters, they certainly won’t forget their few moments of fame on TV.