Forbes values Cardinals at $2.65 billion in 2021
Aug 6, 2021, 9:58 AM | Updated: 9:59 am

Arizona Cardinals owner Michael Bidwill joins Doug & Wolf for an interview on 98.7 FM Arizona’s Sports Station on Feb. 12, 2019. (Arizona Sports/Matt Layman)
(Arizona Sports/Matt Layman)
The value of the Arizona Cardinals increased 14% year-over-year and in 2021 is now worth $2.65 billion, according to Forbes’ annual franchise evaluation.
That comes in as the 27th most valuable team in the NFL.
The 32-team average jumped 14% from 2020 to $3.48 billion despite a 20% revenue drop and a tanked operating income, $7.1 million a team from $109 million the year before, per Forbes. Much of the increase in value came from the new media right deals signed this past March that totaled $111.8 billion. That was an 82% increase compared to the present media deal.
Leading the way in terms of value is the Dallas Cowboys for the 15th straight year.
They are worth $6.5 billion and have an estimated operating incoming of $280.4 million.
For reference, the Cardinals’ operating income is projected at $16.2 million.
The New England Patriots ($5 billion), New York Giants ($4.85 billion), Los Angeles Rams ($4.8 billion) and Washington Football Team ($4.2 billion) round out the top five most valuable teams, according to Forbes.
Sitting behind the Cardinals are the Tennessee Titans ($2.63 billion), Cleveland Browns ($2.6 billion), Detroit Lions ($2.4 billion), Cincinnati Bengals ($2.28 billion) and Buffalo Bills ($2.27 billion).