Don’t you ever tweet about me!
Aug 4, 2014, 7:02 PM | Updated: Aug 5, 2014, 12:47 am
I was glad to hear Richard Sherman say that his twitter banter with Patrick Peterson is done in fun — unlike with Michael Crabtree. “Much, much different,” Sherman said in regard to his banter with Crabtree.
Crabtree aside for the moment, this is good news because Peterson has also implied that his tweets and public statements have a good natured baseline running through them. He said it was “fun” to go back and forth with Sherman as to whom the best corner in the game was.
And that’s a relief to me. I think this is good for Peterson. I didn’t want to see him engage a grand-master-guru-sensei like Sherman in the ways and means of social media and self-promotion. Patrick has bigger fish to fry on the field.
His quest involves the myopia of self, soul and becoming the best cornerback in the game. Just because you’re the highest paid corner in the game doesn’t necessarily mean you’re the best corner in the game. There’s a whole lot of “Prove It!” that needs to happen and I don’t want Patrick to be distracted from that truth by worrying about how he should reply to Sherman on twitter and what hashtag he should use.
I want him locked in. Peterson is an internally motivated player — and that’s great — but I want to see him turn the dial up and challenge himself even more. Nobody to ever play the corner position has been blessed with more talent than Patrick but every now and then he seems to lose focus on the field, possibly bored with his own talent.
This is the one area he can improve his game, eliminating his momentary lapses of reason and focusing all of that talent in the same direction. If he does this, Sherman can tweet until the cows come home and use every creative hashtag known to man and it won’t matter. Patrick Peterson will be the best man cover corner in the game and will be able to say to Sherman in jest, “Don’t you ever tweet about me!”