Doug’s Four-Point Stance: Bravo, D-backs fans
Jun 10, 2013, 3:11 PM | Updated: Jul 26, 2024, 1:09 pm
TREVOR CAHILL: He’s given up more earned runs in two June starts than he did in all of April or May.
CODY ROSS: Made the third out at third base Saturday night while trailing 8-0. It is unimaginable to be standing on first base with two outs and think it’s a good idea to aggressively attack third base. Then to do it when down 8-0 shows you’re completely unfocused on the job.
DIAMONDBACKS FANS: College and pro sports are two distinctively different entities. College fans need to go to games in order to create an atmosphere that recruits see. Fans passion can directly affect results of the immediate future as well as future seasons.
In pro sports, if there’s not a good product on the field, why spend the money? For years, however, D-Backs fans always wait until September to see if they’ll get behind the team. Obviously, those days are over. More than 120,000 fans came to Chase Field this weekend. MLB attendance has been down all year but it’s been up at Chase Field. That’s a tribute to the organization for going over budget, the team for playing hard, and the fans themselves for so quickly recognizing both of those things.
GAME 1: Why is it that game 1 of any series against the Miami Heat is so worthless? Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that the Bucks didn’t beat Miami in game 1 of their series. For the last three years of the big three, the Heat don’t bring the intensity in game 1. Give Spoelstra credit for changes in game plan in the next games. Give the players credit for much livelier hands defensively. It’s impressive how often the Heat rebound from game 1 losses but I struggle to understand why they can’t play as hard in game 1 as they do in every other game of every other series.